Delhi Aesthetic clinic is established & manged by the doctors who are experts in the areas of Cosmetic Medicine,Cosmetic Surgery,Anti Aging Medicine, Weight Management. The idea behind the creation of DAC is to provide all these services under one roof under supervision of qualified experienced doctors
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Abdominoplasty is a Cosmetic Procedure - Removal of Excess Fat and Loose Skin.
Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that tightens and improves the appearance of the stomach through removal of excess fat and loose skin. Women seeking to restore their appearances following childbirth or patients who have lost a significant amount of weight, most commonly seek it. The procedure also gets rid of the strech marks in lower tummy area,most commonly found in women after pregnancy.
Abdominoplasty Surgery
Before considering abdominoplasty, your surgeon will ensure you are in good overall health and that you have no coexisting conditions that may interfere with your tummy tuck recovery – such as heart disease or hemophilia. Thereafter, your tummy region will be examined and evaluated for the kind of ‘tuck’ required.
Tummy Tuck Procedures
The tummy tuck procedure itself can take anywhere from one to five hours, depending on the amount of skin and fat to be removed. Generally speaking, there are three types of abdominoplasty procedures used to correct the appearance of the stomach:
- Partial tummy tuck: Also known as a mini abdominoplasty, a partial tummy tuck procedure involves small incisions in the hip region, allowing the surgeon access to the muscle fascia in the lower abdomen. The surgeon separates the excess fat and skin from the muscle, removes it, and may use liposuction to clean up the area further before stitching the incisions.
- Complete tummy tuck: A full abdominoplasty begins with two incisions: one from hip to hip, and another in the navel region. The surgeon then sutures the muscle wall to tighten it, removes surplus skin and fat, creates a new belly button hole for the abdominal stalk and refines the region with supplementary liposuction.
- Extended tummy tuck: This tummy tuck procedure is identical to the full abdominoplasty, except that the surgeon extends the reshaping into the patient's sides and upper thighs.
- Endoscopic abdominoplasty: If you have weak lower abdomen muscles without excess skin, your surgeon may prefer to use an endoscopic abdominoplasty procedure. This technique uses a microscopic camera mounted on surgical instruments, which allows the doctor to perform the surgery with smaller incisions.
Risks and Possible Complications
Every surgery comes with a degree of risk. While tummy tucks are considered very safe, you should be aware of the possible complications that can occur:
- Excess bleeding
- Heavy tummy tuck scars
- Reactions to the anesthesia
- Skin or tissue death
- Ruptured sutures
- Swelling
Serious post-operative problems are rare. However, infections and blood clots can occur. Being moderately active following surgery can prevent the development of blood clots. It is very important that you follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions strictly.
- Recovering from the acute effects of surgery can take anywhere from one to four weeks, depending on your overall health.
- During this time, you should avoid strenuous activity and take some time off work.
- Your surgeon may recommend that you wear a compression garment to support your stomach and keep swelling and bruising to a minimum.
- Tummy tuck scars continue to fade throughout the recovery period.
- It may take up to six months for all the post-surgical effects to resolve and the final results of the surgery to show.
- If your only problem is loose skin, surgeons can perform a "skin-only" abdominoplasty procedure that leaves your muscles intact but tightens your stomach's appearance.
- Liposuction is a commonly indicated alternative to abdominoplasty as well.This is the choice if abdominal skin is of good quality without strech marks.
- Diet and exercise are the best way to reduce fat deposits in the abdominal region. Even if you plan to have a tummy tuck, you should still lose as much weight as you can using natural, traditional techniques before you undergo surgery.
Dr Lokesh Kumar
Senior Consultant Plastic surgeon
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals & Delhi aesthetic clinic
Website : http://www.dacindia.com
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Thursday, 22 December 2011
Cosmetic Ear Surgery
Cosmetic ear surgery or Otoplasty is usually performed for one of two reasons: to reduce the size of overly large ears, or to tuck back ears that stick out too far, so that they sit closer to the head.
Most ear plastic surgery is performed on children between the ages of 4 and 14; however, plenty of people opt for ear cosmetic surgery procedures in adulthood. The pinna, which is the cartilage-rich external part of the ear, does not usually grow beyond 7 years of age.
Procedures of Cosmetic Ear Surgery
Most otoplasty procedures can be completed in two to three hours. Surgeons usually use a general anesthesia on young patients, so they remain asleep throughout the surgery. Older patients are often given a combination of sedatives and local anesthesia, keeping them awake but relaxed during the procedure.
The surgical techniques the doctor will use depend on the problem being corrected. To reduce the size of ears that stick out, surgeons usually make small incisions that expose the cartilage behind the ear, then reshape or remove excess cartilage before making a "tuck" that will hold the ear closer to the head when surgery is complete. There are no cuts in front portion of pinna,so there are no visible scars after this surgery.
- Ear surgery is one of the safest cosmetic procedures. When performed by an experienced and qualified surgeon, complications are usually minor and easily controlled. However, all surgeries carry risks; cosmetic ear surgery is no different.
- Bleeding, scar tissue, infection and reactions to anesthetics are the primary risks of ear cosmetic surgery.
- In rare cases, a second surgical procedure may be necessary to drain an infected ear of bacteria and pus.
- Patients operated under with a general anesthesia may require an overnight stay in hospital until the full effects of the anesthesia wear off.
- For older children and adults where local anaesthesia is used, it is a day care procedure.
- In the days following the operation, pain or throbbing sensations in the ears are the primary cause of discomfort – these symptoms can be managed with pain medications.
- Following the operation, the patient's ears are wrapped in a bulky dressing that promote the proper healing of the incisions and prevent infection.
- After a few days, these thick bandages are replaced with lighter, less intrusive bandaging.
- Stitches will dissolve or be removed after about a week.
- Normal activity can be resumed within about five to seven days.
- Children should be careful when playing and avoid any activities that bend the ears for at least one month following surgery.
- Most patients are advised to wear a sports head band around the ears at might for a period of one month.
Dr Lokesh Kumar
Senior Consultant Plastic surgeon
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals & Delhi aesthetic clinic
Website : http://www.dacindia.com
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Blepharoplasty gives your eyes refreshed appearance
Blepharoplasty gives your eyes a vibrant, alert, and refreshed appearance that will make you feel as good as you look.
The eyes are the windows to the soul, but they’re also one of the first areas to show signs of ageing. Even small imperfections, such as wrinkles, loose skin, or "bags" under the eyes, can give an impression of being tired, weary, or unhappy. A blepharoplasty, or eyelid rejuvenation, can return youthful elegance to an individual's face, making the eyes appear brighter and more refreshed. During this procedure, excess skin and protruding pockets of fat are removed from the upper and/or lower eyelids to reveal a rejuvenated look.
How is Blepharoplasty Performed?
During an eyelid lift, your doctor will make a tiny incision along the natural lines of your eyelids and remove excess fat, skin and muscle. The skin is then tightened to give a firm, smooth appearance, and then closed with fine sutures. Scars are nearly invisible as they blend into the natural lines around your eyes. The procedure is associated with only minimal discomfort. After the procedure, some swelling and bruising is expected, but typically most of it will diminish within two weeks.
Upper Blepharoplasty
Upper blepharoplasty, or removal of excess skin and fat from the upper eyelid, is usually performed for cosmetic reasons, but can be considered medically necessary when the excess skin covers the eyelid or deflects the eyelashes downward affecting the visual field. In this procedure, the excess skin is removed along with appropriate amounts of fatty tissue to rejuvenate the upper eyelid appearance.
Lower Blepharoplasty
Lower blepharoplasty can correct drooping lower lids and puffy bags below the eyes to help patients look younger. Baggy or puffy lower eyelids are due to the protrusion of fatty compartments in the eyelids. Removal or rearrangement of this fat, along with a skin excision or laser resurfacing, gives a more rested and youthful appearance under the eyes. This technique gives a natural look to the rejuvenated eyelids with minimal to no change in the lower eyelid position or contour.
Why Blepharoplasty?
The rejuvenating effect of blepharoplasty is long lasting, and can give you a more youthful appearance. When considering blepharoplasty, ask yourself these questions:
Do you appear tired?
Is the skin of your upper eyelid overhanging the normal lid crease and nearing the eyelashes?
Are there bulges and bags surrounding your eyes?
Do your eyes appear smaller than they did in years past?
A ‘yes’ to any of these questions would make you a candidate for blepharoplasty.
Good blepharoplasty candidates include both healthy men and women who are realistic with their expectations. After your examination, your doctor will explain how eyelid surgery can help you achieve the look you desire. He will also explain the risks. Together you will decide which procedure is right for you and you will be on your way to a more rested and youthful appearance.
Is Blepharoplasty painful?
Although blepharoplasty is associated with minimal discomfort, most patients will experience some swelling and bruising for at least a few days to a week after the procedure. While recovery time will vary from individual to individual, most people should be able to return to a normal schedule within a week to ten days.
Postoperative Effects and Complications
Immediately following eyelid surgery, patients often feel tightness around their eyes, which is generally treated with a prescribed oral medication.
During the first two days following the procedure, the patient will experience differing degrees of swelling and bruising, depending on the type of eyelid surgery performed and the patient’s individual reactions.
The patient may experience temporary ocular discomforts such as itching, burning and general dryness of the eye, a blurring of vision, overactive tearing, and sensitivity to sunlight. Eye drops are recommended by some surgeons to help relieve these symptoms. Dark sunglasses can also be worn for the first few weeks following surgery to help reduce the impact of light and wind on the eye.
Severe complications rarely arise from eyelid surgery. However, infection and bleeding can occur.
Some patients experience difficulty pulling down the lower eyelid and sometimes in completely closing the eye. These symptoms are rarely permanent.
In some extremely rare cases, undetected and untreated bleeding may result in blindness.
- It is important to realize that recovery time can differ significantly from patient to patient.
- For the first few days after eyelid surgery it is advisable that the patient sleep in a recliner with his or her head elevated on pillows in order to keep swelling down.
- Regular application of a cold compress will also help with swelling during this period.
- The eyelid surgery patient will need to apply an antibiotic to the effected area twice a day for at least four days.
- Bandages are generally not used, but it is advisable that the patient has gauze handy.
- Patients may shower and wash their hair as they normally would. However they should try to avoid getting any soap on the incisions.
- After about three days, eyelid surgery patients generally do not require pain medication.
- Stitches are typically removed within a week following the procedure. The patient’s vision can remain a little blurry for a few days after the removal of the stitches.
- Swelling usually goes down within seven days, though some patients experience some minor swelling for several weeks.
- Bruising usually vanishes within seven to ten days.
- People are generally allowed to wear make-up within the first week following the surgery to help hide any discolouration, if they so choose.
- Scarring usually becomes imperceptible within a few weeks.
- In order to minimize the temporary dryness and itching of the eye that often follows blepharoplasty, it is advisable to avoid activities that normally dry the eyes, such as reading, watching television and using a computer, for three to seven days following the surgery.
- Generally, eyelid surgery patients can go back to work after seven to ten days.
- Contact lenses can be used again after two or more weeks.
- Because increased blood flow to the eyes should be avoided for the first three to four weeks, any strenuous activity or exercise should be avoided during this period.
- Crying and excessive blinking should also be avoided, as these activities lead to an increase in swelling.
- Because alcohol increases fluid retention it can delay the patient’s recovery time. Hence alcohol is to be avoided for at least three weeks following the procedure.
- After the removal of the stitches and healing of the incisions, the use of sun block around the eyelid is advisable for six months.
Dr Lokesh Kumar
Senior Consultant Plastic surgeon
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals & Delhi aesthetic clinic
Monday, 19 December 2011
Hair Restoration
If you want to restore lost hair, you have a greater number of flexible and reliable options available to you than ever before. Today's hair replacement systems use advanced technologies, such as improved transplanting strategies and state-of-the-art laser systems, to create seamless, natural-looking results.
Anyone who is in good overall health and dissatisfied with their thinning or lost hair is a candidate for a hair loss remedy.
· Surgical micro grafting is commonly used to restore hair to large, barren areas. Your surgeon will harvest hairs from a densely covered part of your head – typically the sides and/or back – then implant the harvested hair in bald areas to create a dramatically improved appearance.
· Laser hair Stimulation is used to treat both male and female hair loss; it works best when applied to regions that are thinning but not barren. Essentially, the laser acts to stimulate blood flow to dying follicles, which, in turn, rejuvenates them and promotes thicker hair growth. Ongoing treatment is necessary to maintain your results and prevent further hair loss.
Depending on your type of hair loss, you will choose one of two general strategies.
· The first is a surgical hair restoration approach, which seeks to replace a dramatic amount of hair across one or more operations.
· You can also get laser hair Stimulation treatments that add modest growth to your hairline for a reasonable price. You must attend regular sessions to maintain your growth.
During your initial and follow-up consultation sessions, the surgeon will perform a physical examination of your hair, discuss your desires and expectations and recommend a hair replacement technique. Generally speaking, hair replacement surgery is indicated to fill in areas where hair growth has ceased completely, and laser hair stimulation is recommended to encourage natural, thicker regrowth in thinner areas. You will need to be in good overall health to qualify for a surgical hair replacement.
The most common techniques used to restore lost hair include follicular unit micrografting . A micrograft hair transplant uses hair taken from a donor site – usually located on the sides or back of your head where hair still grows – and implants it into areas of your head where hair growth has ceased. It is a reliable technique used to create significant coverage in a short period of time.
In the term ‘laser hair surgery’, the ‘surgery’ part is a bit of a misnomer – there is no actual surgery involved. Instead, focused laser beams are used to stimulate dying follicles, restoring blood flow to them and allowing your natural hair to grow back. This technique is most effectively used in areas where hair growth has thinned out but not ceased entirely.
Delayed healing, postoperative infection and excessive bleeding are the most common side effects of hair replacement surgeries. By and large, though, these are reliable and safe procedures that present little in the way of significant risk to the patient.
Your surgeon may apply a dressing after surgery, which will remain in place for a day or two. Stitches, if they're used, will dissolve on their own or be removed after about 10 days. You can use cold compresses and pain medications to control any swelling, bruising or head tightness that you may experience.
After a few days, you will be able to shampoo your hair again. You will probably notice hair falling out in the initial post-treatment phase; this is perfectly normal and expected. If you are using a laser technique to stimulate natural hair regrowth, expect results to take 6 to 12 weeks to manifest.
Men and women, who do not want to treat their hair loss medically, have long used wigs, toupees and hair weaves. Some patients report positive results when using topical hair regrowth products, but results vary and they can typically only be used to treat a narrow range of hair loss patterns.
Medical treatment of hair loss is also very effective scientific method of restoring hair. This treatment involves using hair specific vitamins & diet modifications along with treating scalp with mynoxidil type of lotions. Mesotherapy is also very effective way of minimizing ongoing hair loss. In this hair specific vitamins are injected in micro doses into the hair follicles
For more details visit http://www.dacindia.com/hair_restoration.html
For more details visit http://www.dacindia.com/hair_restoration.html
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