Delhi Aesthetic clinic is established & manged by the doctors who are experts in the areas of Cosmetic Medicine,Cosmetic Surgery,Anti Aging Medicine, Weight Management. The idea behind the creation of DAC is to provide all these services under one roof under supervision of qualified experienced doctors
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
The Weekend Facelift
The Weekend Facelift
Commonly called the
"weekend facelift," the mini facelift is an attractive alternative to
surgical correction of ageing facial skin. The procedure rejuvenates the face
for a fraction of the cost of surgery, with far less risk and recovery time. A
relative newcomer to the world of cosmetic surgery, the weekend facelift is
quickly becoming very popular with both sexes.
Patient Evaluation
Generally speaking, mini
facelift surgery is most effective on patients who are just beginning to
experience the initial signs of ageing. Because the procedure is less invasive,
it is also used only to treat relatively minor age-related symptoms. If you
have minor droops or sags in your skin, this procedure may be right for you, if
you are in good overall health and don't suffer from any circulatory system
What separates the mini
facelift from traditional full face lift is that incisions are kept to an
absolute minimum. Broadly speaking, there are two techniques used in mini
facelifts: endoscopic and non-endoscopic.
• An endoscopic : Weekend facelift uses three or more tiny incisions and a small camera, which
the surgeon uses to find his or her way around the area under treatment. The
doctor is then able to reshape muscles and trim away excess skin with the help
of a monitor.
• Non-endoscopic: Procedures require longer incisions, which are
used to fold back the skin to reveal the muscle structures underneath. Even so,
these incisions are tiny compared to those used in full facelifts, and they
carry a greatly reduced risk of scarring and infection.
Many variants based on these
two techniques exist. The European mini facelift, for example, focuses on skin
and muscle dissection and a natural re-draping of the skin. An anterior mini
facelift can be used if you want to improve the appearance of the lower part of
your face, and a two stitch mini facelift is a noninvasive solution for
treating nasolabial folds and saggy cheek lines.
Though the risks involved
with this procedure are not nearly as worrisome as those presented by full
facelift surgery, all surgical procedures carry a degree of uncertainty. The
most common risks of weekend facelifts are:
• Bruising
• Allergies to the anesthesia
• Swelling
• Scarring
• Excessive bleeding
• Infection
• Clotted blood at the incision site
In addition, the following
rare complications have been observed in a small minority of patients:
• Broken capillaries, which may require subsequent
laser surgery to correct
• Skin discolouration, which may or may not resolve
• Facial stiffness
• Nerve damage, which may or may not be temporary
• Loss of skin or hair in the treated area
Normal recovery time is just
48 to 72 hours. Your actual recovery time may vary, though, depending on
whether or not you experience any infections or healing complications.
After the procedure, you
should avoid overexposure to the sun and make sure you moisturize and care for
your skin diligently. If you do, you should be able to enjoy the benefits of
the procedure for five to seven years.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Semi-Permanent and Permanent Makeup
Semi-Permanent and Permanent Makeup
Semi-permanent makeup helps in altering the skin
tone by implanting an iron oxide organic pigment with the help of an electric
pen tool. It is basically preferred for treating sparse eyebrows, to make the
lash line more distinct, to make the lips look fuller and luscious, and also to
conceal scars after a surgery. The method used for transforming one’s
appearance is called ‘cosmetic tattooing’.
Benefits of Semi-Permanent Makeup
Does not smudge
Natural and refreshing look
Saves time
Money saver
Lasts for 9-18 months
Hurts less and the procedure takes about
40 minutes
Since the effects begin to wear off within
almost a year, a touch-up treatment is recommended at reduced cost.
makeup or micro-pigmentation is the process of placing
a permanent pigment mixture under the epidermal layer of the skin. It does not
give such a dramatic effect as compared to the semi-permanent makeup and fades
with time like the latter. It helps in shaping the eyebrows, augmenting the lip
colour, defining the lash line and in hiding scars. Such makeup is also used
for restoring and improving the areola and to provide facial symmetry.
Risks of Permanent Makeup
The various risks associated with permanent
makeup include:
Blood clots
The surgery can take about 2-3 hours and the
downtime can be about a week. Numbness, swelling and pain are some associated
side effects of permanent makeup. In spite of having the luxury of eternal
makeup, a lot of aftercare is required such as: avoiding exposure to sunlight
and spicy food, application of ointments, etc.
Permanent makeup is not recommended for people
suffering with any skin disease or infection. Also, pregnant or breast-feeding
mothers, diabetics, people prone to keloid scarring and heart problems are also
advised not to go for permanent makeup.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Tattoo Removal
Tattoos have gained immense popularity in recent years; however, as many as half the people who get tattoos regret later. It is no surprise then that tattoo removal is an increasingly popular procedure.
There are three main tattoo removal options:
• Tattoo excision
• Laser tattoo removal
• Dermabrasion
Patient Evaluation
The surgeon has to evaluate the size of the tattoo along with its age and colours to determine the number of treatments required. In general, red and black inks tend to disappear completely with sufficient laser removal sessions. Older tattoos may prove more stubborn to remove, requiring excision to eliminate completely.
• Laser tattoo removal: This is the most popular choice for removing tattoos.Laser tattoo removal has a low risk of scarring, doesn't cause bleeding and has few side effects. Some colours like yellow and green are harder to remove; specific lasers are chosen depending on the colour composition of your particular tattoo. The laser breaks down the tattoo, and your body's natural scavenger cells take it from there, removing any remaining pigment residue. Topical or local anesthesia is generally used.
This treatment does not interfare with superficial layers of skin and laser targets the pigment situated in deeper layers.There are many treatment sittings required in this treatment at interval of 6-8 weeks.
• Excision tattoo removal: During the excision process, the surgeon cuts out the tattoo with a scalpel and stitches the wound up. This method usually results in a lasting scar, and may require a skin graft from another part of the body if the tattoo is large. This is not a very popular method these days.
• Dermabrasion tattoo removal: This technique uses abrasive surgical tools to remove the surface and middle layers of the skin. This is a painful and bloody process that will result in a permanently lighter patch of skin and possible scarring. This method is used only in very few cases.
The risks associated with tattoo removal depend on the method used to get rid of them. Each procedure presents a risk of infection or scarring. And neither laser removal nor dermabrasion can promise that the tattoo will be fully removed. Only excision guarantees your body art will disappear completely.
• Following treatment, antibacterial ointment and wound dressings are applied to the area.
• Your doctor may instruct you to reapply the ointment for a few days, and will show you how to keep the area clean.
• Showering or bathing is acceptable within a day or so of treatment, but you should avoid scrubbing the affected skin.
• The treated area may be inflamed for several weeks and feel like mild sunburn.
• If scabbing occurs, do not pick at it. A scar will result if you do.
• With laser treatments, the tattoo will gradually fade as the body's immune system breaks down the lingering dyes in your skin pigments.
Alternative Procedures
• There are a few other options to deal with an unwanted tattoo, including covering up an old tattoo with a new one. This is a popular and affordable alternative, but doesn't help if complete tattoo removal is the patient's goal.
• Rejuvi tattoo removal uses a specially formulated cream which bonds with the tattoo ink, forming a thicker substance that the body can more readily eliminate. This process can only be administered by a trained tattoo artist or permanent makeup professional who has successfully completed a Rejuvi tattoo removal training course.
Beware of tattoo removal cream ads that promise complete and pain-free tattoo removal; experts warn that these creams are largely ineffective. Save your money and discuss your options with a doctor or specialist before making a decision on the method that is right for you.
Friday, 17 February 2012
How to treat Acne
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions. It is just like the common cold of skin problems, one that keeps on recurring and whose cure sometimes seems impossible to achieve. However, if you have been an acne sufferer for a long time, then help is at hand in the form of medications and cosmetic procedures that promise better acne treatment.
Procedural therapies are treatments performed by a dermatologist or aesthetician. These therapies are used in the treatment of moderate to severe acne, and are generally used in combination with topical and systemic treatment. Remember that these procedures alone do not promise a complete and permanent solution. However, most procedural treatments give better results and longer problem free duration between outbreaks when compared to other methods of acne treatment.
However, before going for any of these procedures, it is advised that you first undergo non-procedural treatment options, which range in variety from a change in diet and lifestyle, topical creams to taking oral antibiotics and isotretinoin. Since acne has a wide number of types, it is necessary that the exact kind of acne that you have is identified and medicinally treated. In case your acne does not respond to any kind of treatment, or keeps coming back, then some of the cosmetic procedural options that can come to your rescue are discussed here.
Comedon Extractions
Beauticians often perform this during a facial. Comedon extractions involve gently removing plugs of sebum and cellular debris from the pore. Removing milia, blackheads and soft closed comedones reduces the overall number of breakouts. While this is not useful for those with cysts or serious lesions, it is a good option for people with a large number of black and whiteheads.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels, unlike what their name specifies, do not actually "peel" the skin. Rather, they deeply exfoliate the skin using an alpha-hydroxy, beta-hydroxy, or glycolic acid. Light chemical peels can improve acne by helping to clear pores of debris and removing dead skin cells. While chemical peels can be executed at a beauty parlour, you should go for a dermatologist performed chemical peel if you suffer from serious or moderate to acute acne.
Microdermabrasion refers to a non-painful, non-surgical process that uses a machine for deeply exfoliating the skin through the use of super fine crystal particles. This treatment can be performed at a spa or a dermatologist's clinic. While this is definitely not a treatment for cystic acne, a microdermabrasion’s deep exfoliation of the skin loosens debris and gunk from within the pores, which makes it a very good option for those who have a large number of blackheads and whiteheads.
Corticosteroid Injections
These are used mainly for the treatment of cysts and lesions that may damage skin tissue. The cysts are injected with corticosteroid, and this helps in reducing inflammation and chances of scarring. Corticosteroid injections speed up healing of the lesion to just two to three days as compared to the normal time period of 2 weeks. Steroid injections are typically used as an occasional fix for stubborn acne lesions. They are not used to treat widespread acne because of the potential complications that might occur and the need for frequent dermatologist visits.
Phototherapy is the term used to describe any treatment that utilizes lasers or light. Phototherapy works by killing the acne causing Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) bacteria, reducing inflammation, or shrinking the sebaceous (oil glands), depending upon what therapy is used.
There are many different light and laser treatments available today and your dermatologist can help you decide which treatment, would be most effective for you. Phototherapy can be used for treating all types of acne including severe cystic and nodular acne. These therapies can also improve skin texture and lessen the appearance of scars, so, they may be good treatment choices for people with both active acne and acne scars. Some phototherapy options that are gaining popularity for acne treatment are:
Blue Light: While initial phototherapy technologies utilized for acne therapy were based on UV rays, X-rays, infrared light or ultraviolet light technology, as of now, high-intensity blue light has been proven to be the most effective in destroying acne bacteria. As opposed to infrared or ultraviolet lights, blue light does not have any skin-damaging side effects. Research has proven that blue light therapy is more effective in containing acne as opposed to other systemic and topical treatments. You can undergo this kind of treatment at a spa or a dermatologist’s clinic. Affordable phototherapy machines emitting blue (for killing bacteria) and red light (to stimulate collagen and help healing) are also available for regular use at home. Minor side effects like dryness of skin, redness or skin darkening may occur with phototherapy.
Photodynamic Therapy: Photodynamic therapy is a combination of topical medications and light-based therapies. During treatment, a medication, called a photosensitizing agent, is applied to your skin to enhance the effects of light therapy. This is followed by red, blue, pulsed light or another type of light therapy. Photodynamic therapy is still not a very commonly used option for acne treatment, even though the results have been known to be positive. Some temporary side effects of phototherapy include swelling, redness, crusting and acne flare-ups.
Diode Laser Therapy: Diode lasers are used to destroy oil glands in the dermis, the thick middle layer of skin, without harming the outer skin layers. This kind of treatment can be painful and is generally performed with the use of local analgesics applied to the skin before treatment. Side effects include temporary redness and swelling of the treated skin for some time.
Pulsed Light and Heat Energy (LHE) Therapy: Pulsed light and heat energy is applied to the affected skin in order to shrink the sebaceous glands and destroy P. acnes. A combination of decreased oil production and lesser bacteria leads to notably lesser acne outbreaks. Side effects of this therapy are temporary redness and agitation of the treated skin.
Photopneumatic Therapy: Photopneumatic treatment utilizes a combination of vacuum suction to remove oil and dead skin cells from the sebaceous glands. The targeted area is then treated with blue and red light therapy to destroy P. acnes and reduce inflammation. A new “vacuum” laser, known as Isolaz, has also been introduced as a variation of this therapy.
Delhi Aesthetic Clinic
Gynecomastia is a benign condition where the male breast glandular tissue swells up either as a response to excess estrogen or reduced testosterone or due to certain medications. It is a misnomer that estrogen is exclusively a female hormone, which is not the case as men also produce the same but in smaller quantities. Hence, an increase in estrogen levels as compared with the testosterone levels can disrupt the hormonal balance and cause Gynecomastia in men.
Though common in infants, pre-teens, teens and older men, Gynecomastia can become a concern after adolescence because of embarrasment faced in gyms & swimming pools. underlying conditions such as liver cirrhosis, low testosterone levels, overactive thyroid prevalence, genetic abnormality are very rare causes of gynaecomastia and rarely require investigations.
The typical symptoms of Gynecomastia are a rubbery and hard feeling on the breasts. This can appear on one or both sides. Breast buds in adolescent boys normally disappear within the first year.
In majority of cases of gynaecomastia,the causative factor is not known. They fall under the category of ideopathic
Infants and Gynecomastia:
Babies or infants get Gynecomastia because of their mother’s estrogen. Breast buds are often seen in baby boys, which last for a few weeks but can last for a longer time in some.
Puberty and Gynecomastia:
More common during puberty, Gynecomastia is said to disappear gradually.In pre-teen boys, it is said to be the result of several cosmetic applications—lotions, tea tree oil, etc.The breast buds could also be the result of a tumor that produces estrogen.Among teenagers, Gynecomastia is caused due to hormonal changes during puberty and the breast buds generally fade away within a year or two.
Adults and Gynecomastia:
Gynecomastia takes prevalence again in male adults aged usually between 50 and 80 years.At this stage, the overdevelopment of breasts could be the result of other factors such as:
Liver cirrhosis
Lung cancer
An overactive thyroid
Cancer of the testicles, pituitary glands or adrenal glands.
Heroin, alcohol, marijuana and amphetaminesare also potential substancesthat are said to cause Gynecomastia.
Medicines and Gynecomastia:
Several medications including Steroids, drugs to treat ulcers, epilepsy, heart problems, anti-androgens to treat cancer, antidepressants, drugs for chemotherapy, medications for AIDS and antibiotics, can cause Gynecomastia.
Hormones and Gynecomastia:
Certain health conditions that influence hormonal activity and balance can also cause Gynecomastia. These include Hypogonadism involving Pituitary insufficiency and any such condition that interferes with the normal production of testosterone, ageing (brings hormonal changes especially in overweight men), Hyperthyroidism (production of excess thyroxine by thyroid gland), tumors of testes and adrenal glands etc., treatment and medication for Kidney failure and Liver cirrhosis and malnutrition wherein the testosterone levels drop.
Gynecomastia generally disappear within two years of puberty in adolescents. It is, however, a concern only when the breast buds do not disappear and cause pain or tenderness. . Hormonal treatment and withdrawing certain drugs is the treatment in the rare cases where causative factor is hormonal imbalance & certain drugs
However in majority of cases which fall in the idiopathic are treated with a simple day care surgery under local or general aneasthesia. The procedure involves removing the fat through tiny incision which is followed by removal of gland through a small incision on brown portion of nipple. The resultant scars are insignificant & disappear with time leaving no stigma of surgery,This operation is called liposuction assisted gynaecomastia removal and is a better technique over earlier used operation called mastectomy which was a big operation & resultant scar is quite big & not acceptable. Even though obsolete this operation may still be performed in many less advanced centres
Delhi Aesthetic Clinic
Though common in infants, pre-teens, teens and older men, Gynecomastia can become a concern after adolescence because of embarrasment faced in gyms & swimming pools. underlying conditions such as liver cirrhosis, low testosterone levels, overactive thyroid prevalence, genetic abnormality are very rare causes of gynaecomastia and rarely require investigations.
The typical symptoms of Gynecomastia are a rubbery and hard feeling on the breasts. This can appear on one or both sides. Breast buds in adolescent boys normally disappear within the first year.
In majority of cases of gynaecomastia,the causative factor is not known. They fall under the category of ideopathic
Infants and Gynecomastia:
Babies or infants get Gynecomastia because of their mother’s estrogen. Breast buds are often seen in baby boys, which last for a few weeks but can last for a longer time in some.
Puberty and Gynecomastia:
More common during puberty, Gynecomastia is said to disappear gradually.In pre-teen boys, it is said to be the result of several cosmetic applications—lotions, tea tree oil, etc.The breast buds could also be the result of a tumor that produces estrogen.Among teenagers, Gynecomastia is caused due to hormonal changes during puberty and the breast buds generally fade away within a year or two.
Adults and Gynecomastia:
Gynecomastia takes prevalence again in male adults aged usually between 50 and 80 years.At this stage, the overdevelopment of breasts could be the result of other factors such as:
Liver cirrhosis
Lung cancer
An overactive thyroid
Cancer of the testicles, pituitary glands or adrenal glands.
Heroin, alcohol, marijuana and amphetaminesare also potential substancesthat are said to cause Gynecomastia.
Medicines and Gynecomastia:
Several medications including Steroids, drugs to treat ulcers, epilepsy, heart problems, anti-androgens to treat cancer, antidepressants, drugs for chemotherapy, medications for AIDS and antibiotics, can cause Gynecomastia.
Hormones and Gynecomastia:
Certain health conditions that influence hormonal activity and balance can also cause Gynecomastia. These include Hypogonadism involving Pituitary insufficiency and any such condition that interferes with the normal production of testosterone, ageing (brings hormonal changes especially in overweight men), Hyperthyroidism (production of excess thyroxine by thyroid gland), tumors of testes and adrenal glands etc., treatment and medication for Kidney failure and Liver cirrhosis and malnutrition wherein the testosterone levels drop.
Gynecomastia generally disappear within two years of puberty in adolescents. It is, however, a concern only when the breast buds do not disappear and cause pain or tenderness. . Hormonal treatment and withdrawing certain drugs is the treatment in the rare cases where causative factor is hormonal imbalance & certain drugs
However in majority of cases which fall in the idiopathic are treated with a simple day care surgery under local or general aneasthesia. The procedure involves removing the fat through tiny incision which is followed by removal of gland through a small incision on brown portion of nipple. The resultant scars are insignificant & disappear with time leaving no stigma of surgery,This operation is called liposuction assisted gynaecomastia removal and is a better technique over earlier used operation called mastectomy which was a big operation & resultant scar is quite big & not acceptable. Even though obsolete this operation may still be performed in many less advanced centres
Delhi Aesthetic Clinic
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Live Chat with Dr Lokesh Kumar, Director and Chief Plastic surgeon, Delhi Aesthetic Clinic,
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Transcript of live chat with Dr Lokesh Kumar, Director and Chief Plastic surgeon, Delhi Aesthetic Clinic |
vaani> What is ultrasonic liposuction?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Ultrasonic liposuction is little different from traditional liposuction in away that the ultra sound waves are used to liquefy the fat before suctioning. That makes it easy to suck fat with a low powered suction machine.
atul> What is the most sought after aesthetic procedure in India?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Top of the list is rhinoplasty which is reshaping of nose, the other procedure which is very commonly performed is liposuction.
smriti> We have heard a lot about Botox, what is it? How popular is it in India?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Botox is a special injection treatment which is used for removing fine wrinkle lines from the face apart from this it can also be used to reduce excessive sweating from axilla and palms.
ritu> What is the general cost for a nose job and liposuction?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Rhinoplasty which is known as nose job in layman terms can cost anywhere between Rs. 10,000 and 40,000 depending on the steps involved in correcting the particular nose deformity, liposuction on an average costs around Rs 25,000 but it could be less or more again depending on the amount to be removed and other factors like hospitalisation etc.
pra> What is the idea behind Delhi Aesthetic Clinic? Where are you located?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Delhi Aesthetic Clinic was designed to give aesthetic medical as well as surgical solutions to patients problems under one roof. Many patients who come for cosmetic surgery do not want to be exposed to a big hospital environment. The DAC provides necessary confidentiality and privacy to the patients seeking cosmetic surgery. We are located at E-32, GK-II near Savitri cinema (New Delhi) and the contact numbers are 26288349, 9810068498. You can also visit us at www.dacindia.com
vaani> Is ultrasonic liposuction, safe procedure, do we have any side effects?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> All liposuctions are safe if performed by a qualified plastic surgeon who knows the limitations of the procedure and keeps all the safety precautions in mind while planning such a procedure.
vdsdfds> Is there a safe limit for Botox? How many sittings can a person take without getting major side-effects? What are the charges?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Botox is fairly safe injection treatment. People have injected even up to 5-600 units of Botox in a single sitting without causing any side effects. On an average cosmetic correction of the face one needs not more than 100 units in one go. The charges are according to the area involved for the injection and it is charged Rs 300-500 per unit. A person can take any number of sittings provided they are more than 6 months apart.
pran> How long does it take to get a nose job done? Are there more than one operations and is it painful?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Nose job is done as a day care procedure under local or general anaesthesia. Most of the time only one operation is involved but sometimes minor corrections can be done in the second stage if needed. The procedure is not painful at all as it is done under anaesthesia.
vaani> What is the safe age to go for liposuction? I'm 21.
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> The safe age for liposuction is any thing above 14 years. The upper age limit varies according to the general health of the patient. At 21 you are fit to undergo liposuction if it is indicated. The indications are decided by a qualified plastic surgeon only.
tina> What kind of anaesthesia is generally used?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Mostly general anaesthesia but very small liposuctions like double chin can also be done under local anaesthesia.
desi_guy_wid_attitude> What actually is Botox?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Botox is a kind of toxin known as botulinum toxin. This toxin is purified for safe injection and is available in the form of Botox. This injection temporarily paralyses the muscles of the face which are hyperactive and causing the frown lines and other wrinkle lines on the face.
vaani> Does the excessive skin need to be resected after removal of fat by ultrasonic liposuction?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Usually no skin is resected at the time of doing liposuction. The skin has a lot of retractibility which goes back to its position within 2-3 months unless the skin is damaged by excessive stretching causing stretch marks. With ultrasonic liposuction specifically the skin contraction is more as compared to traditional liposuction.
vdsdfds> My facial skin has sagged. What about face-lift? Can that be done? How much is the charge? Will I still look natural after the facelift?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Depending on the age the sagged skin of the face can be corrected by doing the face lift procedure. The average cost is approximately Rs. 40-50,000 rupees and you will look natural after face lift. A minor amount of sagging can be corrected by laser resurfacing only where no operation is involved.
banglore_girl> How effective are lasers in aesthetic services?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> There are different kinds of lasers used in aesthetic services like Co2 and erbaium are used for resurfacing the sun damaged skin and to remove acne and small spot scars. Pulse dye lasers are used for removal of birth marks. There are other lasers which are used for permanent hair removal.
tarini> Is there any cure for stretch marks? A lot of people say that they can be cured with laser treatment is it true?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> The stretch mark is one of the most difficult problem to correct. Sometimes they need surgery, sometimes they can be reduced with lasers and many a times they need a combination of both.
banglore_girl> Is there a right age for cosmetic surgery?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Most of the cosmetic surgical procedures are performed on people who have attained some kind of maturity age wise so mostly these procedures are performed only after 14 years of age.
pam> I don't like the tip of my nose. What can I do? Can I just get that corrected or do I have to go in for a full nose job?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Nose tip can be corrected with a limited rhinoplasty which is done under local anaesthesia. There is no need for a full nose job for correction of just the tip.
pra> Is there a difference between plastic and cosmetic surgery? What is it?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Cosmetic surgery is a branch of plastic surgery where a surgeon corrects the normal organs of the face to improve their appearance. The doctor has to be a qualified plastic surgeon and then he should have received adequate training in cosmetic surgery at some reputed cosmetic surgery centre, only then he is qualified to perform delicate cosmetic surgery operations.
sheen> Is plastic surgery the only way to remove pits left by pimples and acne on the face?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Yes, this is the only way to remove them completely. Depending on the depth of the pits laser treatment also can be utilised. In very rare cases the pits are very shallow and medicated creams can help if used for a long time.
alice> What is breast reduction? How safe is it?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Breast reduction is the surgical reduction in the size of the breasts and also to shape them better. The procedure is perfectly safe if done by a qualified professional. Mostly the procedure is performed on heavy breasts causing chronic neck and back pains. For moderate sized breasts which are sagging there is another procedure called mastopaxy.
julie> Are there any time limits for the results? Are there chances that they will go away or change after a while?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> The appearance changes immediately after surgery. However, because of the Edema which slowly goes away there is constant gradual improvement for about 3 months.
fem> If I go in for breast enlargement surgery will I be able to breast feed afterwards?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> Breast enlargement technically called augmentation mammaplasty is performed mostly by insertion of implants underneath the breasts. The breast tissue is not disturbed at all during this surgery so a woman can definitely produce milk after pregnancy.
sheen> If the pits are quite deep and about 10 years old, what is the duration of hospitalisation and what is kind of expense will need to be incurred for removal of such pits?
Dr.Lokesh_kumar> The pimple pits even if they are deep are amenable to the laser resurfacing treatment which is an outdoor procedure where no hospitalisation is required. Sometimes the treatment has to be done in two stages 6 months apart. The cost for each stage is approx Rs. 20-30,000.
Signoff Message> Anybody who is seeking cosmetic surgery should look for the credentials of the surgeon involved. The questions like how many procedures he performs every month can be asked directly. One should satisfy themselves about all the aspects of proposed procedures including the possible complications and the way to deal with them. Only then the satisfaction can be guaranteed. For any enquiries on cosmetic surgery or medicine contact Delhi Aesthetic Clinic at E-32, GK-II (New Delhi) Phone nos. 26288349, 51637288,9810068498, our website is www.dacindia.com.
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