Tattoos have gained immense popularity in recent years; however, as many as half the people who get tattoos regret later. It is no surprise then that tattoo removal is an increasingly popular procedure.
There are three main tattoo removal options:
• Tattoo excision
• Laser tattoo removal
• Dermabrasion
Patient Evaluation
The surgeon has to evaluate the size of the tattoo along with its age and colours to determine the number of treatments required. In general, red and black inks tend to disappear completely with sufficient laser removal sessions. Older tattoos may prove more stubborn to remove, requiring excision to eliminate completely.
• Laser tattoo removal: This is the most popular choice for removing tattoos.Laser tattoo removal has a low risk of scarring, doesn't cause bleeding and has few side effects. Some colours like yellow and green are harder to remove; specific lasers are chosen depending on the colour composition of your particular tattoo. The laser breaks down the tattoo, and your body's natural scavenger cells take it from there, removing any remaining pigment residue. Topical or local anesthesia is generally used.
This treatment does not interfare with superficial layers of skin and laser targets the pigment situated in deeper layers.There are many treatment sittings required in this treatment at interval of 6-8 weeks.
• Excision tattoo removal: During the excision process, the surgeon cuts out the tattoo with a scalpel and stitches the wound up. This method usually results in a lasting scar, and may require a skin graft from another part of the body if the tattoo is large. This is not a very popular method these days.
• Dermabrasion tattoo removal: This technique uses abrasive surgical tools to remove the surface and middle layers of the skin. This is a painful and bloody process that will result in a permanently lighter patch of skin and possible scarring. This method is used only in very few cases.
The risks associated with tattoo removal depend on the method used to get rid of them. Each procedure presents a risk of infection or scarring. And neither laser removal nor dermabrasion can promise that the tattoo will be fully removed. Only excision guarantees your body art will disappear completely.
• Following treatment, antibacterial ointment and wound dressings are applied to the area.
• Your doctor may instruct you to reapply the ointment for a few days, and will show you how to keep the area clean.
• Showering or bathing is acceptable within a day or so of treatment, but you should avoid scrubbing the affected skin.
• The treated area may be inflamed for several weeks and feel like mild sunburn.
• If scabbing occurs, do not pick at it. A scar will result if you do.
• With laser treatments, the tattoo will gradually fade as the body's immune system breaks down the lingering dyes in your skin pigments.
Alternative Procedures
• There are a few other options to deal with an unwanted tattoo, including covering up an old tattoo with a new one. This is a popular and affordable alternative, but doesn't help if complete tattoo removal is the patient's goal.
• Rejuvi tattoo removal uses a specially formulated cream which bonds with the tattoo ink, forming a thicker substance that the body can more readily eliminate. This process can only be administered by a trained tattoo artist or permanent makeup professional who has successfully completed a Rejuvi tattoo removal training course.
Beware of tattoo removal cream ads that promise complete and pain-free tattoo removal; experts warn that these creams are largely ineffective. Save your money and discuss your options with a doctor or specialist before making a decision on the method that is right for you.