Thursday, 3 October 2013

Top plastic Surgeon Dr Lokesh Kumar Clarifies the myth surrounding the Nose operation/ Rhinoplasty done in china on live Interview at T.V Channel News Express

Dr Lokesh  Kumar M.S (PGI) MCh (Plastic) FICS , was invited at T.V Channel News Express  to discuss the nose Reconstruction / Rhinoplasty operation done in china,which was highlighted in various media recently.

Dr Lokesh Kumar from Delhi Aesthetic Clinic appreciated the innovative work done by the Chinese surgeons. He also clarified that the origin of this operation is in India and is famous all over the world by the name Indian Rhinoplasty. The Chinese technique is only a little modification of original Indian technique which have been practiced in India in 600 BC.

 The news anchor and other staff member were very grateful to Dr Lokesh kumar for giving this live interview and thanked him for clarifying the myths related to this operation.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Hair Loss

Baldness is defined as partial or complete lack of hair in males or females. The degree and pattern of baldness varies, and “hair thinning" which can be effectively tackled by medical management is also considered in wide topic of baldness.

Most cases of baldness fall into four different categories;

·         Hormonal
·         Nutritional
·         Local scalp problems
·         Genetic

Out of these four only the last one that is the Genetic cause about which science is yet to find a satisfactory solution but the treatment of this cause may become a reality in near future with developments in Genetics in treatment. Rests of the causes are treatable in most of the cases to some degree. In most cases combination of factors work so a combination therapy can delay the much feared event to considerable amount of time.

The most common cause is androgenic alopecia, commonly known as Male pattern baldness. This fits into typical hormonal cause of alopecia. More than 95% of hair thinning in men is male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness is characterized by hair receding from the lateral sides of the forehead (known as a "receding hairline") and/or a thinning and balding to the area known as the vertex.

The cause of male pattern baldness is no longer a mystery. Research has shown that when the male hormone - testosterone is exposed to 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme in the hair follicle, it produces another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes permanent hair loss. This hormone (DHT) causes the hair follicle to shrink and grow a finer hair that is lighter in color, shorter and less deeply rooted than its predecessor. Most often, the hair in the balding region will continue to grow at an increasingly slower rate until hair growth ceases completely. For this reason sometime detection of blood levels of DHT help in charting out the treatment because conversion of testosterone to DHT can be stopped by using certain medications.

Amongst other causes of baldness alopecia seborrheica commonly known as dandruff, is fairly common and is treatable with simple medications.

Nutritional deficiencies is also emerging as fairly common cause with more and more people being weight conscious go on indiscriminate dieting. This again is a very much treatable reason for baldness. High protein diet in combination with hair specific vitamins like Biotin can do wonder in all such cases.

Although baldness is not as common in women as in men, the psychological effects of hair loss tend to be much greater. Typically the frontal hairline is preserved but the density of hair is decreased on all areas of the scalp. Previously it was believed to be caused by testosterone just as in male baldness, but most women who lose hair have normal testosterone levels. They may be suffering from scalp diseases which has to be diagnosed with specialized consultation for proper treatment.


The pattern of progression, and the extent and speed of male pattern baldness, is largely dictated by genetics, hormones and age and so The management of baldness/ hair loss is a multidisciplinary effort that spans the medical, pharmaceutical, food supplement, exercise and artificial replacement of lost hair .In most cases identifiable causes are amenable to medical treatment. Other cases where there is complete irreversible damage has occurred Hair Transplant is the only answer.

Androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium are the primary non scarring alopecias. The most common cause of hair loss in men  androgenic alopecia, is treatable in  early stages.Progression of this can be  slowed or reversed with medication,mesotherapy,nutrition supplements and stem cell treatment etc.;

Alopecia areata presents as focal discoid patches of hair loss, Telogen effluvium can occur after stressful events, including severe illness, childbirth, or high fever, and can be seen with certain medications or deficiency of iron, particularly in females. Thyroid dysfunction, both when increased and decreased, can lead to specific patterns of hair loss.

Monday, 12 August 2013

ISAPS COURSE 2014,Jaipur

ISAPS Course being organized by International society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at Jaipur in the month of Jan(16-19) 2014.The course is endorsed by association of plastic surgeons of India, Indian association of aesthetic plastic surgeons and Thai society of plastic surgery. Dr Lokesh Kumar is the national secretary India, ISAPS and the organizing chairman for the course.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supplements are a boon in monsoon. .
They keep the skin fresh and also boost immunity, especially against viral infections that are rampant in monsoon. .

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are the fastest, hassle-free and most basic way of giving the "Anti aging" benefit to your skin.

Chemical peel uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It is helpful for those individuals with facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation. Phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) are used for this purpose. The precise formula used may be adjusted to meet each patient’s needs.  

Chemical peel is most commonly performed for cosmetic reasons to enhance your appearance and your self-confidence. A variety of chemical agents are used to cause inflammation and irritation to the superficial layers of the skin. Three of the most commonly used peeling agents are phenol and its derivatives, trichloroacetic acid, and alpha hydroxyl acids. The subsequent realignment of the skin’s collagen building blocks after the chemical peels leads to a smoother, younger look. Chemical peel may also remove per-cancerous skin growths, soften acne facial scars and even control acne. 

Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic, lactic or fruit acids are the mildest of the peel formulas and produce light peels. These types of peels can provide smoother, brighter-looking skin for people who can’t spare the time to recover from a phenol or TCA peel. AHA peels may be used to treat fine wrinkling, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation and acne. Various concentrations of an AHA may be applied weekly or at longer intervals to obtain the best result.   

Tichloroacetic acid (TCA) can be used in many concentrations, but it is most commonly used for medium-depth peeling. Fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes and pigment problems are commonly treated with TCA. The results of TCA peel are usually less dramatic than and not as long- lasting as those of a phenol peel.   

All chemical peels carry some uncertainty and risk
Chemical peel is normally a safe procedure when it is performed by a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon. However, some unpredictability and risks such as infection and scarring, while infrequent, are possible.

AHA peels may cause stinging, redness, irritation and crusting. However, as the ski adjusted to the treatment regimen, these problems will subside.

For details Click on

Monday, 20 May 2013

Top 10 plastic surgery fixes for men

Top 10 plastic surgery fixes for men

Just like their fairer counterparts, men too have always wanted to look good and presentable. But the exponential growth that the male grooming market across the world has witnessed in recent years has been quite a phenomenon. In fact, men these days are even willing to go under the plastic surgeon’s scalpel if it means acquiring rejuvenated looks and the perfect physique. Look good does not seem to be the sole prerogative of women any longer!
Nowadays, the need to look young and energetic even if you are in your 40s, 50s and 60s has led men to reevaluate their perspective on physical attributes. This has resulted in an increasing interest in cosmetic procedures to enhance looks. The fact that the corporate world is extremely competitive, and gives out the impression that an older person is less efficient and up-to-date also has a lot to do with more and more men opting for plastic surgery.

Statistics suggest that the top 10 surgical procedures for men in order of preference currently are:
·     -    Botox anti-wrinkle injection treatments
·      -   Nose reshaping or Rhinoplasty
·       -  Hair transplantation
·        - Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty
·         -Liposuction
·         -Breast Reductions or Gynecomastia
·         -Penile reconstruction or Phalloplasty
·         -Face Lifts or rhytidectomy
·         -Liposelection(to create six pack abs, bulging pecs and so on)
·         -Buttock Enhancements

It is interesting to note that although cosmetic surgery in men uses the same procedures as in women, there are technical differences. This is primarily because the structure of the male body is different from that of a female’s. A very obvious difference is that men have thicker skin, and are more hairy than women. Thicker skin sometimes is hindrance in getting immediate result as it masks the changes made in deeper layers.Men also tend to have tougher fat because of lymphatic blockage which causes problem while getting liposuction done. Smoking which is more prevalent in male population can be a negative factor while considering cosmetic surgery in men as it compromises blood circulation in the skin thereby delaying healing.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Awareness program

Team of Delhi Aesthetic clinic creating awareness in youth about cosmetic procedures by talks/lectures and consultations in corporate sector.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Summer Tip #1

Summers are here..
Buy a sunscreen with SPF 30 and UVA protection factor +++..
Go for medicated one than herbal or cosmetic for better protection from sun rays.

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