We all desire features that compliment our face and does not look odds on our faces. However, not all of us are born with them and thus go for cosmetic surgery procedures such as rhinoplasty. rhinoplasty, however, is much more than just a visually appealing nose. Rhinoplasty procedure like septoplasty is a procedure to treat a deviated septum and improve breathing. Rhinoplasty, when done by the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi, can work wonders for you.
What is septoplasty?
The septum refers to the wall of bone and cartilage responsible for dividing your nose into two nostrils that you have. A deviated septum happens when your septum deviates to either side of your nose. There are some people who have a deviated septum congenitally, but it can also be caused by an injury caused to your nose. Most people having a deviated septum have one nasal passage slightly or significantly smaller than the other. This can lead to difficulty in breathing. Other symptoms that occur because of a deviated septum include facial pain and nosebleeds Surgery is the only way to fix a deviated septum. Septoplasty refers to a surgical procedure for correcting a deviated septum where the septum is straightened, allowing better airflow through your nose. This procedure requires the best rhinoplasty surgeon who can analyze your condition and provide the right treatment.
Septoplasty procedure
A septoplasty procedure lasts for a total of 30 to 90 minutes for its completion depending on how complex your condition is. You’ll be given either the local or general anesthesia, In the septoplasty procedure an incision will be made on either side of your nose for accessing the septum. In the next step, the mucous membrane is lifted up, which is the covering that protects the septum. After this, the deviated septum is moved towards the right position. Extra pieces of bone or cartilage that are causing any hindrance are removed. In the last step, the mucous membrane is repositioned. You will be given stitches for holding the septum and membrane in place. Sometimes your nose will be packed with cotton to keep the septum in position
Role of septum surgery in Rhinoplasty
Septoplasty is usually performed to resolve breathing issues, but it sometimes becomes crucial to treat the external nasal deviation, which represents an important step in rhinoplasty surgery. Even in patients who do not have any functional problems, septal surgery can be an effective solution in getting a proper realignment of the external nasal structure. One-stage septorhinoplasty is considered to be the standard of treatment for a deviated nose, therefore septoplasty cannot be regarded as a distinct procedure to carry out a before and after rhinoplasty.
In case you too are in the search for the best cosmetic surgeon in Delhi for the procedure of Rhinoplasty then Dr. Lokesh is the right name for you. Dr. Lokesh Kumar heads the Delhi Aesthetic clinic where he provides the best cosmetic procedures to help his patients gain confidence in their looks.
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