Monday 19 December 2011

Hair Restoration

If you want to restore lost hair, you have a greater number of flexible and reliable options available to you than ever before. Today's hair replacement systems use advanced technologies, such as improved transplanting strategies and state-of-the-art laser systems, to create seamless, natural-looking results.

Anyone who is in good overall health and dissatisfied with their thinning or lost hair is a candidate for a hair loss remedy.

·         Surgical micro grafting is commonly used to restore hair to large, barren areas. Your surgeon will harvest hairs from a densely covered part of your head – typically the sides and/or back – then implant the harvested hair in bald areas to create a dramatically improved appearance.

·         Laser hair Stimulation is used to treat both male and female hair loss; it works best when applied to regions that are thinning but not barren. Essentially, the laser acts to stimulate blood flow to dying follicles, which, in turn, rejuvenates them and promotes thicker hair growth. Ongoing treatment is necessary to maintain your results and prevent further hair loss.

Depending on your type of hair loss, you will choose one of two general strategies.
·         The first is a surgical hair restoration approach, which seeks to replace a dramatic amount of hair across one or more operations. 

·         You can also get laser hair Stimulation treatments that add modest growth to your hairline for a reasonable price. You must attend regular sessions to maintain your growth. 

During your initial and follow-up consultation sessions, the surgeon will perform a physical examination of your hair, discuss your desires and expectations and recommend a hair replacement technique. Generally speaking, hair replacement surgery is indicated to fill in areas where hair growth has ceased completely, and laser hair stimulation is recommended to encourage natural, thicker regrowth in thinner areas. You will need to be in good overall health to qualify for a surgical hair replacement.

The most common techniques used to restore lost hair include follicular unit micrografting . A micrograft hair transplant uses hair taken from a donor site – usually located on the sides or back of your head where hair still grows – and implants it into areas of your head where hair growth has ceased. It is a reliable technique used to create significant coverage in a short period of time.

In the term ‘laser hair surgery’, the ‘surgery’ part is a bit of a misnomer – there is no actual surgery involved. Instead, focused laser beams are used to stimulate dying follicles, restoring blood flow to them and allowing your natural hair to grow back. This technique is most effectively used in areas where hair growth has thinned out but not ceased entirely.

Delayed healing, postoperative infection and excessive bleeding are the most common side effects of hair replacement surgeries. By and large, though, these are reliable and safe procedures that present little in the way of significant risk to the patient.

Your surgeon may apply a dressing after surgery, which will remain in place for a day or two. Stitches, if they're used, will dissolve on their own or be removed after about 10 days. You can use cold compresses and pain medications to control any swelling, bruising or head tightness that you may experience.

After a few days, you will be able to shampoo your hair again. You will probably notice hair falling out in the initial post-treatment phase; this is perfectly normal and expected. If you are using a laser technique to stimulate natural hair regrowth, expect results to take 6 to 12 weeks to manifest.

Men and women, who do not want to treat their hair loss medically, have long used wigs, toupees and hair weaves. Some patients report positive results when using topical hair regrowth products, but results vary and they can typically only be used to treat a narrow range of hair loss patterns.
Medical treatment of hair loss is also very effective scientific method of restoring hair. This treatment involves using hair specific vitamins & diet modifications along with treating scalp with mynoxidil type of lotions. Mesotherapy is also very effective way of minimizing ongoing hair loss. In this hair specific vitamins are injected in micro doses into the hair follicles 

For more details visit

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